FAQs Parents Have About Chiropractic
By Sara Butler
A question the chiropractors at The Joint receive a lot is whether children can benefit from chiropractic care. The answer to that question is yes! There’s no age limit when it comes to the benefits of chiropractic, but it’s understandable that parents have questions. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions parents have about chiropractic care for their children.
Why Do Kids Need Chiropractic Care?
Children are just as susceptible to spinal trauma as anyone else, maybe even more so because they are so active. Children can suffer from “microtraumas” which are little traumas that add up to create a big problem in the nervous system, creating stress. These microtraumas are what your chiropractor calls subluxations, also known as misalignments in the spine. If these subluxations are left unaddressed they can put the nervous system under stress and not allow the body to function as it should. This impacts the wellness and optimal health your child can achieve. Your child may not have outward symptoms, such as pain, for years but the sooner you address these subluxations the better off they will be.
When Should my Child Go to the Chiropractor?
Chiropractors recommend that children be checked for misalignments right after birth. The birth process can be pretty rough for little babies, which is why it’s never too early to have an assessment done. Even if you opt for the most natural birth possible it can still cause trauma to the baby. If your baby has issues with the following it’s a good idea to have them assessed by a chiropractor:
- Sleeping
- Breastfeeding
- Colic
- Acid Reflux
- Repeated ear infections
The earlier a chiropractor can detect any subluxations and correct them in your child the greater potential for optimal health your child will have.
Will an Adjustment Hurt my Child?
Chiropractors don’t just learn one technique they use on everybody. The way they adjust an adult is different from the way they would adjust a small child. Chiropractors who treat children have been taught special techniques for little spines and your child probably won’t feel a thing. In fact, a lot of little kids look forward to visits to the chiropractor!
If you have other questions about chiropractic care for your child, your chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic is happy to discuss them with you. Simply ask them at your next visit and bring your child closer to optimal health!