Staying Strong Mentally as You Cope with Back Pain
By Stepy Kamei
When dealing with any sort of pain, it's important to take into account your physical and emotional state of being. This is because the mind and body are incredibly closely linked and they can influence each other in a powerful manner. It may sound silly or unreal, but there actually are numerous scientific studies confirming the very strong connection between physical and emotional or mental health. If you're suffering from any sort of acute or chronic back pain, you should learn how to take control of this powerful connection to try to make your pain management and recovery process smoother. I won't say that simply wishing your back pain away is enough to cure you of your physical ailments, but there are ways to strengthen your mental health in order to bring a boost to your physical recovery as well.
Therapy: Physical and Emotional
It seems obvious to reach out to a physical therapist, but depending on the severity of your pain, you may need to consider reaching out to some form of emotional therapy as well. Many patients who suffer from chronic back pain find relief they didn't know they needed by seeing a therapist certified in cognitive-behavioral therapy, which seeks to change your thinking patterns to keep you from feeling helpless or vulnerable.
Mindfulness and Meditation
Meditation has been proven to be helpful for virtually everyone, regardless of their current health status. Learning how to meditate can help you be more aware of not just your thoughts, but your physical body and state of being as well. As you can imagine, this sense of mindfulness and reflection can really help you learn to move through moments of discomfort, especially when combined with therapeutic deep breathing techniques and exercises. Just a few minutes of meditation every day can also greatly reduce your stress levels, and when you're less stressed, your muscles are less likely to tense up, meaning you'll probably feel less physical discomfort.
Chiropractic Care
One excellent resource for bringing the body and mind into alignment is chiropractic care. During a typical chiropractic session, a chiropractor will use manual manipulation techniques to bring the spine back into proper alignment. When this occurs, the entire body benefits, and many patients experience benefits to their mental health as well. Chiropractic adjustments have been proven to reduce stress, ease muscle tension, and lower inflammation in the body. These effects all serve to bring the body and mind into a more relaxed and efficient state of being. When the body isn't dealing with a thousand small health issues, it can better focus on tackling more serious concerns, such as chronic back pain.