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When Worry Wakes You Up and Keeps You Up at Night

By Sandy Schroeder

If you are fighting with anxiety, depression, and worry, it is time to find solutions. When depression won't go away, you may feel like you need a doctor, a therapist, and anti-depressants. At the same time, there are simple direct ways to start feeling better every day.

Trace the Cause

Start with your situation. If you have financial pressure, job complications or marital challenges, depression and worry is understandable, but if your worries seem to be free-floating, some natural steps may help.

Start Moving and Keep Moving

Therapists tell us daily exercise can help us relax and  shed stress while it reduces depression. The American Psychological Association recommends exercise as a way to get immediate and ongoing relief.

Set aside 30 minutes every day - Walk, run or work out for 30 minutes and enjoy the difference as your mind and body relax.

Stretch when you get up - Take 10 minutes to do a few stretching exercises before breakfast.

Keep moving after work - Instead of collapsing on the couch at night, walk the dog or walk with your kids after dinner.

Move whenever you can - Add 5 minutes of walking or stretching to each hour of sitting at work.

Keep an Eye on Caffeine - Eat healthy and hold the coffee, soda, and black tea down as you regulate the amount of caffeine that can wire the body and increase anxious feelings. Add salmon with its omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats like avocados, and lean proteins with lean meat and poultry to a diet that's full of whole fruits and vegetables. Skip the junk food and sugary treats that impact blood sugar levels. Dine with friends and family, enjoying home-cooked healthy meals.

Meditate While You Move

Try meditation and yoga to move your attention away from your worries and ease your mind and your body. When I settle onto my yoga mat my worries just seem to lift. Both yoga and meditation focus the body's breath to calm thoughts and ease tension. Observe a class and talk with a certified instructor. Researchers at Johns Hopkins found 30 to 40 minutes of meditation daily helped lower levels of depression and anxiety. If a class works for you, try adding small morning or evening sessions at home too.

Start Working on the Problem

If anxiety, depression and worry persist, you may want to see your doctor and work with a therapist to consider the issues. Whatever you do, don't ignore the problem. When you shed your worries the difference will be amazing.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Downers Grove, Ill.

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