Tips for Instant Stress Relief
By Stepy Kamei
Stress is a common problem we all face, yet getting rid of stress and anxiety isn't always easy for some of us. There are plenty of tried and true methods of destressing regularly, such as taking up yoga or meditation. Even though it is a good idea to practice these useful techniques as a general way to destress, they won't necessarily help anyone experiencing a high moment of anxiety, or even a panic attack, which may be completely debilitating to them. The next time you find yourself struggling to stay calm or to focus on the task at hand because anxiety is placing such a strong grip on you, try out some of these super easy and super helpful techniques for instant relief from your symptoms.
Take a Break From Using Electronic Devices
If simply reading that sentence made you worried, you more than likely could really benefit from some tech-free down time. Studies have shown that simply checking your phone, especially right before bed or first thing after waking up in the morning, can greatly increase feelings of stress. Make it a health priority to spend the last hour of your day unwinding from your electronic devices, and stay away from them for at least the first 15 minutes of your day as well. You'll stay more grounded and you'll be able to check in with yourself without worrying about outside factors.
Warm Up Your Hands
Seriously, this tip is unbelievably simple yet very effective. Having high levels of the stress hormone cortisol cause a response in your body to pull blood away from the extremities. In this way, your brain often interprets cold hands as a sign of danger or a threat, which only makes your stress even worse. Simply put on a pair of gloves or wrap your hands around a hot mug of tea in order to send a signal of safety to your brain.
Consider Aromatherapy
This may sound a bit like a hippie thing to say, but certain scents have been scientifically shown to induce feelings of calm in people. Lavender, mint, and eucalyptus, in particular, are some scents which can bring about a feeling of relaxation to the entire body. Try using these essential oils by adding them to a diffuser or your favorite unscented lotion to see if they benefit you at all.
Relax Your Jaw
Many of us keep a lot of tension in our jaws, which is why we often benefit from loosening up this area of the body. Simply rub your cheeks and jaw in a circular motion, or trill your lips to relax the area.