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Dealing With Holiday Blues and Stress

By Stephen R. Farris

The holidays can be a stressful time of year. You have Thanksgiving to prepare for, then Christmas shopping and meal planning to do before the end of December and before you can settle down, New Year's hits a week later.

It's enough to drive anyone insane, not to mention dealing with all the relatives that you've invited over to partake in all of the festivities. 

Let's not leave out the fact that the holidays can be a depressing time of year as well. You may have recently lost a loved one, or memories of your parents begin flooding into your thoughts or you might be spending the season alone.

There are ways to better help you in dealing with holiday stress and the depressing aspects that may come along with them.

Address How You are Feeling

It's normal to be sad or cry for lost loved ones. Let it out. If you're going to be alone call a friend or relative. Talk with them often if needed. It can help break you out of the depressed state you might be in, plus it's always good to hear another person's voice. It just might be the cure you need.

Be For Real

We all in some shape, form or fashion have the expectation that -- especially for Christmas -- the holidays are to be a grand affair like none other. Beyond perfection. But sometimes things change. Our kids grow up and they start their own set of traditions for the seasons. It's a fact of life and we have to be realistic about it and not let it bring us down. Hey, it might be time to revamp or start new traditions. If you can't be with your loved ones during the holidays, try doing so through your computer or smartphone using the latest video technology that allows you to face time. It may not be like being there in person, but it's close.

Let Bygones be Bygones

A lot of times families have quarrels. The holidays are a perfect time to let those past arguments or disagreements go. Or at least set them aside and be civil while together. It might give both sides a chance to see that whatever was bothering them was silly to begin with. Time to let peace enter the picture, even if it's only for a short time.

To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Derby, Kans.

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