What's Causing Your Headaches?
By Sara Butler
Your ancestors used to believe that headaches were caused by evil spirits. If you regularly suffer from headaches, then you can easily see how they reached that conclusion because some headaches do feel as if malevolent spirits are wreaking havoc in your head with a sledgehammer. Headaches are no fun and can really disrupt your life, which is why it's so important to understand what may be triggering your headaches. Here are some of the most common causes of headaches -- a few of which may surprise you!
Yes, relaxation. This may seem as if it's a cruel joke, but the truth is if you're stressed out all week long and then get headaches on the weekends when it's time to relax, then it may be because your stress hormones have dropped. This drop can cause a release of neurotransmitters that cause the blood vessels in your head to at first contract, then dilate, causing headaches.
The solution for this is simple: Practice healthy ways to deal with stress all week long and make relaxation a priority every day, not simply on the weekends.
Your Smartphone
How many times per day do you find yourself slumped over your smartphone as you post your lunch to Instagram? If you do, you may want to take a break because all that slouching, slumping, forward-head posture could be the cause of your headaches.
When you hang your head forward, it places a strain on the muscles in your neck, back, and shoulders. After a while, this can lead to headaches. So, try not to look down when using your phone. Instead, hold it out in front of you.
Your Bag
If you have a bag or purse that weighs more than 10 pounds, then it may be causing neck strain. That neck strain can translate into headaches. Make sure to regularly clean out your bag and only take essentials with you to help balance your load. Also, switch which shoulder you carry your bag on periodically so that you don't create a muscle imbalance that can make headache issues even worse.
If you don't drink enough water per day, then it could be causing your headaches. That's because dehydration can cause the vessels in the brain to constrict, reducing the blood supply to the brain and reducing oxygen levels, causing a headache. Make sure to drink water throughout the day to help reduce your chances of developing headaches due to this avoidable cause.
Don't just put up with headaches -- find out why you're having them and do something about it!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Wichita, Kans.