What You Can Learn From This Island's Diet
By Stepy Kamei
For those of us not fortunate enough to have grown up on an island, many of us daydream about living the life of an islander. Walking along the beach, soaking up the sun, and living at a slower pace are certainly appealing for many of us. What's more is that scientific studies have shown that many island cultures tend to live healthier lifestyles in general when compared to their city-dwelling counterparts. So, what exactly is it that makes living on an island so beneficial to a person's overall health and wellness? In addition to the laid-back lifestyle, the diets of islanders tend to be some of the healthiest throughout the entire world. Specifically, the island of Okinawa in Japan is revered by health experts on the longevity and robust health of its people. Keep on reading to learn more about what exactly makes an islander's diet so healthy, and how you can incorporate it into your daily snacks and meals.
Okinawan Health and Diet
Okinawa belongs to the blue zone, which health experts have labeled to mean an area in the world where people live long, healthy lives in comparison to the rest of the world's cultures.
Okinawans don't necessarily choose to prescribe to a particular diet, as much as they simply benefit from the options that they have. Generally speaking, these islanders hardly consume processed or packaged foods; their food is minimally processed, and generally it's completely wholesome. Furthermore, their diet is low in calories and high in healthy carbs.
Okinawans tend to consume many fresh vegetables and soy products, such as tofu, as well as lean proteins such as fresh-caught fish and seafood.
It's important to note that Okinawans, in addition to having an extremely healthy and mindful diet, also tend to live a healthy lifestyle holistically. They stay physically active every day, and they often practice mindfulness meditation, which has been shown to improve sleep and reduce stress and inflammation within the body. Furthermore, Japanese people tend to drink green tea every day, which is a much healthier alternative to coffee.
Adding the Island Life into Your Daily Routine
While it's certainly not a problem to do so, you don't need to fly out to Okinawa if you don't have the ability to do so, in order to benefit from their way of life! Simply add some of their routine into yours. Eat fresh, minimally processed foods. Walk or bike as much as you can to get around. Finally, make sure you are acknowledging and managing your stress properly.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Wichita, Kans.