The Best Fruits for the Body
You’ve likely heard that fruits and veggies are among the best food for the body. They offer a wide array of vitamins and nutrients, and any potential negative aspects are far outweighed by their numerous healthy benefits. Most people claim that of the two, veggies should be your go-to food.
While vegetables are absolutely great for your overall health, some fruit can offer some healthy bonuses to the body as well. Check out these healthy foods and their healthy benefits for boosting your overall health.
For the Muscles
Your muscles are what get you up, move you around, and make you strong. Their health is important in order to keep them pain free and functioning at optimal level. When you think of muscular health, you might think about foods such as protein, and for good reason. Protein helps to build and strengthen muscle.
For fruit, however, bananas have a powerful punch for the muscles. While they won’t build massive muscles, they can help to eliminate and prevent muscle cramps. Bananas contain high levels of potassium and magnesium, both of which aid your muscles in their development and overall health.
For the Gut
While it’s not the most enjoyable part of the body to discuss, the gut is definitely an important part. When your digestion is unhealthy, it can make the entire body feel rundown, sluggish, and foggy minded.
Keeping the digestive tract clean and toxin free is vital to your body’s overall health. When choosing a fruit for gut health, go with the classic choice: an apple! Apples are full of both fiber and water. Both of these, especially when taken in combination can help keep you feeling full and can clean out the digestive system all at the same time. Add an apple a day for benefits to your gut and to other parts of your body as well.
For the Immune System
The immune system is what keeps you well. When a foreign body invades, like a germ or bacteria, your immune system kicks into high gear and fends off the invading body. When your immune system is weak, you are much more susceptible to getting sick, so keeping it in optimal health is important for your body. To keep your immune system boosted, grab an orange or a handful of blackberries. Oranges contain a high amount of Vitamin C, which is a vitamin that specifically aids the immune system. Blackberries (or really berries of any kind) contain high levels of antioxidants which can protect your cells from free radicals in the body.
For Fun
Of course, one of the best reasons to eat fruit is because fruit is both fun and delicious. For a fun treat, pick up a pomegranate. The juice filled seeds inside will be fun to squeeze into your mouth and the taste is fresh. Watermelon, sliced and summery, makes another excellent treat. Grapes can be fun, as they are the perfect bite sized treat. When it comes to fruit, it’s hard to go wrong. Just choose your favorite fruit, and enjoy the flavor and the many healthy benefits that come along with it.
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Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Scot Nelson