Being Heart-Healthy Should Be a Must for Us All
By Stephen R. Farris
Ensuring that your heart is healthy can be a win-win situation for your overall health and well-being. But first, there are a few things you might want to try in order to get there.
Using Tobacco
If you use tobacco products, such as cigarettes or the chewless kind, you should probably consider quitting as soon as possible. Tobacco use has been linked to certain types of cancer and can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. Not to mention, cigarette smoke leaves your clothes with a distasteful odor too.
Check Your Gut
When you look in the mirror and see your body seems to resemble that of a pear, then it might be time to knock off a pounds or two. Carrying extra weight around your waist could lead to unwanted health problems such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Set your goals to getting a little more fit for the benefit of your heart.
Like to Move It, Move It
Listening to music can create a therapeutic effect, however, listening and grooving (moving around, dancing) to some awesome tunes can boost your heart rate in a positive way. So break out those bell bottom jeans and elevator shoes, hit the dance floor and groove the night away for better heart-health.
Numbers Check
So what has numbers? Blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar, etc., all have certain numbers that are considered in the healthy range. Making sure that all these numbers are kept in the healthy range is a great way to help measure your overall health, including heart health. A good idea is to at least check them once per day, although there may be times you might check them more than one time per day.
Well Nuts
Nuts, such as almonds, pecans and walnuts contain proteins, fibers and the right healthy fats are good for helping lower cholesterol. In a nutshell, they're good for your heart.
Start the Day Off Right
Rise and shine, head to the kitchen, sit down and eat a good breakfast before venturing out into this cold, cruel world. Make your heart sing by feeding your body some whole-grain cereal, oatmeal, eggs, bacon (or turkey bacon), fruit or other delicious, nutritious and healthy foods that will kick-start your day in a positive and heart-healthy way.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Plymouth, Minn.