How to Uncurl the Daily Work Hunch
By Sandy Schroeder
Don't look now, but your body may be hunching over into a complete C shape every day at work. Have someone take a picture of you at work, and check that hunch for yourself.
I start out in the morning, sitting up straight, with shoulders back and spine pressed against the back of my chair, but then things change. The phone rings, deadlines mount, and the day's work simply takes over. By late afternoon I am completely hunched over my keyboard, intent on getting everything done.
Then I go home and unwind with another curled up hunch on the couch! If this sounds too familiar, you may want to consider chiropractic help and reverse hunch exercises from the WellAndGood,com site.
See Your Chiropractor
The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you is equipped to help you escape the hunch as you protect your health while you work.
The Joint Chiropractic clinic is staffed with doctors of chiropractic who provide natural solutions to cope with our daily work environment.
When you come in, your chiropractor will ask about your work routine, and assess your posture. A gentle targeted spinal adjustment may ease aches and pains and inspire you to straighten up with better sleep, more energy, and a fresh alertness.
When the spine is healthy, overall health often improves too. Weekly 15-minute spinal adjustments may be the perfect platform to practice extension exercises that counter that daily spinal hunch.
Instead of slumping forward, you will be gently bending the spine backwards using the muscles that help you stand up straight, twist, move and lift objects.
Look around you and you will probably spot people hunched over their phones, keyboards, laptops, and desks. Each of those hunches can lead to chronic pain and reduced mobility in the future.
Uncurling the Hunch
Work with your chiropractor and your doctor before beginning new exercises such as this spinal extension from WellAndGood.
Extend the spine with sliders - Lie on your stomach with arms stretched out in front of you with each hand on a slider. Press the pelvis into the mat and relax the shoulder muscles. Breathe out, draw the abs in and slide the arms toward the body raising the chest off of the floor. Inhale as you lower the body back down. Move slowly and stop if it is uncomfortable.
When you are ready to get rid of that workplace hunch, stop by The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you. No appointments are needed. Clinics are open weekends and evenings, and affordable personal healthcare plans eliminate the hassle of insurance.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Roseville, Minn.