Have More Fun as You Exercise
By Tom Herrin
As much as is known about the benefits of regular exercise, one would think we would all make a point to do so. I am often troubled by individuals who I see neglecting to get any exercise but rather just accepting many of the problems that come with a sedentary lifestyle. There may be no way to change some of them, but many others simply have trouble with the boredom of following a regular routine workout. For these people, there is hope. Finding activities that provide more variety may be a good way to break out of their slump.
How Are You On Skates?
As a kid, most of us at least attempted to roller skate. I was never really very good at it, but I had some friends who were great. There are skates today that are much lighter weight and easier to use. Most are pretty affordable, too. These are generally the roller blade style that is more of an inline skate. With the newer equipment, it can be much easier to master and fun to do almost anywhere. You will get more exercise without really being aware of it.
Jumping Rope Has Always Been Good
For many years, jumping rope has been considered to be a good activity for coordination and exercise. It still is, and many of us can benefit. You may have seen it with boxers to improve their timing. One advantage is that it can be done almost anywhere. Some people do so while jogging. Many others do so while watching television or listening to music. Some also do it in groups. There have been some good programs that support having students jumping rope in school that serve as fundraisers while motivating them to compete to attain certain goals.
For a Slower Pace, Try Birding
At one time, we called those who kept up with birds birdwatchers. We usually recognized them by their khaki shorts, hats, and binoculars or cameras hung around their necks. Those who are into this today are referred to as birders. Rather than using a pad and pencil, they can use a phone. It is also handy for taking pictures and looking up references. As you do all of this, you will be moving around in the outdoors. It won't build up your endurance, but it will have you moving.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Carson City, Nev.