How Chiropractic Helps Track Our Health
By Sandy Schroeder
Most of us think about our health quite a bit, and we follow through with exercise and a good diet. But when it comes to tracking overall health, the picture is not always as complete.
If you assume everything is good as long as nothing pops up, if you just bounce from one regular checkup to the next, or, if you sometimes ignore small body warning signals, you may need some tracking assistance.
Chiropractic Backup
That’s where The Joint Chiropractic can help you. When you visit your local clinic you will find an entirely different wellness center, one that revolves around you.
The Joint’s professional staff will make the effort to learn about you, your pain, your schedule and your medical history. Using spinal adjustments to achieve a healthy spine, they will seek to relieve any pain that you have and put together an ongoing plan of treatment.
That plan may deliver new relief from pain, better sleep, more energy, and more alertness. But at the same time, it can become the ongoing tracking mechanism that you could keep your overall health in focus. As you see your chiropractor on a regular basis, he or she will get to know you, and may be able to spot small spinal changes before they become issues. If there are other health questions that come up, you can be directed to good sources.
Weekly Monitor
You might do weekly 15-minute adjustment sessions, which could also be a weekly checkup on you. Are you feeling tired, gaining weight, becoming more stressed? Or maybe your job is demanding more and more. As you talk with your chiropractor, he or she can assess how your body is doing in response to all of the changes. Instead of waiting six months, and realizing you have a serious problem, you could fix things as they came up.
One of my friends who has used chiropractic for a long time calls this “a natural win” for wellness. He has made his way through a succession of painful back and knee issues, along with some heart problems. As his heart doctor helped him hang in there, his chiropractor covered all of the back and knee bases. He started having problems in his 40s, and now he is sailing along in his 60s. Every time I see him he is smiling. Attitude helps too!
To figure out your own success story, stop by The Joint Chiropractic clinic in your community and get started. The Joint provides an affordable care plan that eliminates the need for insurance. Convenient evening and weekend hours are available, and walk-in visits are welcome. No appointments needed.