New Year's Resolutions to Avoid at All Costs
By Sara Butler
In general, New Year's resolutions are a good thing. After all, it's your opportunity to start a brand new year off right. The problem is that not many people make resolutions and stick to them. In fact, statistics show that less than 10 percent of people make resolutions and actually stick to them. The problem may not be you, but the resolutions you're making. Here are a few New Year's resolutions you should avoid making because you may simply be setting yourself up for failure before you begin.
Resolution No. 1: Eating Better
If your goal is to eat healthier in the coming year, then don't simply pledge to eat healthier. If you want to improve the quality of your diet, then you really need to get specific. First, define what eating healthy means to you and then make a list of specific changes you can make to eat in that way. This is a foolproof way to make a resolution about eating healthier and stick to it.
Resolution No. 2: Restricting Too Many Foods
Many people tend to focus on extreme goals such as reaching a healthy body weight in a very short amount of time. Instead of focusing on the number on your scale, think instead about the behaviors you can change such as eating more slowly or focusing on your fullness cues as you eat. That is a way more sustainable way to eat healthier and reach a healthy body weight than restricting foods harshly. You may just go crazy one day and eat an entire package of cupcakes along with a bag of Cheetos.
Resolution No. 3: Vague Exercise Goals
Most people know that in order to be healthy, you have to get your body moving. But just as with healthy eating, you have to be more specific about how to incorporate healthy movement into your day, too. Thinking that you want to exercise is a wonderful resolution, but it's important to also think about how you're going to carry it out. Make specific and clear goals for the type of exercise you want to do, the amount of time you're going to do it, and for how long.
If you need help fine-tuning your New Year's resolutions, then talk to the chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic today. They're happy to help you come up with a plan to follow through with your health and wellness goals for the new year.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Albuquerque, N.M.