Why You Should Take a Multivitamin Every Day
By Genevieve Cunningham
When it comes to supplements, some people tend to get a bit crazy. They take multiple pills a day twice or three times a day. But is all of that really necessary? As it turns out, unless you've been instructed to do so by a doctor or health professional, you probably don't need much more than a simple multivitamin. But why? Is it really necessary, or is it a bonus much like other supplements? If you're not currently taking a vitamin regularly, take a look at these reasons why you should add a multivitamin to your routine everyday.
Your Diet is Probably Not Perfect
It’s fairly rare to find someone with a perfect diet. And for the average joe? It’s almost impossible! Even when we eat well, it’s highly likely that our diet is lacking in one nutrient or another. It’s tough to be completely balanced, and yet it’s important enough to make it a priority. Taking a multivitamin every day can help fill in any gaps and fuel your body with the essential vitamins and nutrients that you need to thrive on a daily basis.
You Probably Need the Energy Boost
Do you have enough energy? If you’re an average American adult, the answer is almost assuredly no. We tend to go, go, go all of the time with little in the way of adequate rest. And because of our busy lifestyles, even a small discrepancy in our nutrient intake can make a big difference. Take a multivitamin to ensure that your energy levels are where they should be. While it won’t be a miracle cure, it will definitely help in the fight against fatigue and general sleepiness.
It Can’t Hurt
Perhaps the biggest reason to take a multivitamin lies in this simple statement: Why not? Multivitamins give you ample benefits, and if your body doesn’t need one of the ingredients, it really doesn’t hurt anything. In fact, most doctors recommend a simple multivitamin be a part of your normal routine. With high chances of positive side effects and little risk of any problems, taking a multivitamin on a daily basis should really be a no-brainer.
Whether it's a classic Flintstone vitamin or one made specifically for men or women, taking a multivitamin is important. It can help you stay healthy and keep your body nutritionally fueled. Make sure that a healthy vitamin is a part of your routine, and watch your health improve just a little bit from here on out.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Charlotte, N.C.