Is It OK to Set Boundaries for Better Health?
By Genevieve Cunningham
Emotional health is a really important part of general well-being. We don't consciously think about our emotional health most of the time. If we have a bad breakup or lose a loved one, we give it some thought. But otherwise, we don't really pay much attention to our emotions. But maybe we should. The state of our emotions can play a huge role in our overall wellness. By keeping our emotions in check, we may be able to improve our health as a whole. But how do we do that? If you're ready to get emotionally well, take a look at what kind of boundaries you should be setting for the best health overall.
Boundaries Can Be Tough
It's important to recognize that setting boundaries is hard. We get so involved doing things with and for others, we forget that the most important person is ourselves. If we can't take care of ourselves, we can't take care of anyone else. But we don't like to run the risk of hurting feelings, causing disruptions in our normal life, or rocking the boat at all. But if we want to be healthy, we have to step up, be strong, and set boundaries regardless of others' feelings or thoughts on the subject.
Boundaries Are Beneficial
When we finally set boundaries, we will understand just how beneficial they are. Boundaries may mean that we cut negative people out of our lives -- or at least see them less often. This can be huge for our mental well-being. Or we may set boundaries that restrict what we talk about with other people. Or how often we get alone time. This can lower stress, reduce aches and pains, and make us feel more positive on a daily basis. When we set boundaries that are specific to us, we can improve our mental health, which spills over to physical well-being as well.
Boundaries Apply to All Health
Boundaries aren't only for emotional health. We can set boundaries for every aspect of our health and lives. Maybe one of your boundaries is that you don't drink alcohol. This might help you feel mentally strong and also lose weight. Maybe one of your boundaries is that you have alone time one day per week. Maybe you exercise every day, no matter how busy you are or what other people expect of you. Boundaries help you take control, so don't be afraid to set limits in every aspect of your life.
When we set boundaries with ourselves and with others, it helps us have healthier relationships. It helps us feel better about life. It helps us feel healthier overall! Figure out which boundaries you need to set, be strong, and take control of your own life so that you can feel healthy and happy every day.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Winston-Salem, N.C.