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Why You Should Reduce Social Media Use

By Genevieve Cunningham

Social media isn't going anywhere. We've become incredibly dependent on this instant online connection. In today's world, social media is how we get news, information on friends and family, and even business and community information. But for every positive thing that social media brings into our lives, there's at least one negative. Social media can be both great and damaging to our lives. If you're living with your phone glued to the latest post, take a look at these good reasons to reduce your social media presence for better health.

You'll Get More Physically Active

Social media is not an activity that requires movement. You can browse any of the various social media outlets from your phone and your bed. If you're constantly on one of these outlets, you're probably not getting as much movement as you should be. Reducing the time that you spend on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram can free up time for exercise, hobbies, or general movement, which can then lead to better physical well-being. 

You'll Reduce a Lot of Stress

The research has been done and the verdict is in: Social media is stressful. When we're watching the highlights of everyone else's lives, we begin to feel bad about our own. We suddenly don't feel good enough. We think we need the newest, biggest, and best of products. Whatever we currently have just isn't good enough. And this is an extremely stressful way to live. Cutting yourself off from those constant comparisons actually lowers stress and makes life fun again. If this is an area where you struggle, say no to social media, and your mental and physical health will likely improve with the decline in stress. 

For Your Future

Have you ever looked back on old social media posts and cringed? We all have. But if you ever plan on changing jobs or applying for scholarships, these old posts can haunt you. Invest in your future by reducing your social media presence today. Or if you don't want to avoid it altogether, just slow it down a nit. Mark good memories -- birthdays, weddings, big kid events -- but keep parties and opinions in your private life. 

Social media can be good. It can help you stay in the know, stay connected, and stay well versed in current events and culture. But don't get too caught up in the chaos, and if you do, don't be afraid to take a step back. A little break from social media may be good for your health and for the rest of your life, too. 

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Toledo, Ohio.

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