Try These Tips to Burn More Calories While Working
By Paul Rothbart
It can be tricky shedding pounds and maintaining a healthy weight. One of the keys is burning calories. People join gyms, buy exercise machines and bikes, and try to get in a workout whenever possible. The problem is that the vast majority of people have to work for a living. Many of them have to work long hours to support themselves and their families. Those are hours that are not available for exercise and therefore you are not burning calories during that time. Not so fast. You may not be able to work out but you can burn calories while at work.
Consume Some Cold Water
You should be drinking water to stay hydrated. Research has discovered that adults and children who are overweight or of healthy weight experience a temporary boost in metabolism. Cold water results in a bigger boost due to your body bringing the cold water up to body temperature. Two different studies involving young adults discovered that calorie-burning was increased by 24-30 percent for a 90-minute period after drinking 17 ounces of cold water. You may want to consider keeping a pitcher of ice water on your desk.
Keep the Air Cold
Water is not the only compound that can aid calorie burning when cold. Being in a cold environment can also increase metabolism. The body keeps itself warm by burning fat. When it's cold, your body needs more fuel and thus burns more fat. The idea of freezing while working is not appealing but it doesn't have to be that cold. Research conducted with healthy, young men found that keeping them in a room at a temperature of 66 degrees for two hours increased calorie burn in every single one of them.
Have a Few Laughs
Laughing can brighten up any workplace and make the day more tolerable. It's also great for mental health. Did you know that laughter can also boost metabolism? A study was conducted in which 45 couples alternately watched dramatic and comedic films. During the comedies, while they were laughing, their metabolism increased by 10-24 percent. Have some fun at the office. Tell jokes, talk about the latest episode of your favorite sitcom. It has many benefits including greater calorie burn.
Burning calories is essential to losing weight. There are only so many hours in a day and many are spent working. By using these tips, you can increase the number of calories you burn each day. Every little bit counts.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Edmond, Okla.