Conquer Fear of New Languages and Enjoy Better Health
By Tom Herrin
Many people confuse their common fears with insecurity. It is pretty understandable. When people are insecure, they lack confidence. Without confidence, fear can overtake them. The fear of learning is real for many, especially when it comes to learning something as stressful as a new language. Most people learned their present language at a very early age and never had to actually study in order to obtain it. This is what is so often called a comfort zone. It doesn't take any kind of real concerted effort to learn it. When you learn a new language, the brain has to work some overtime. This can be a good challenge and produce some good results as well.
It May Help Increase the Size of the Brain
While there may not be anything to various sizes of brains, anytime people can increase the size of what they have at present, they may find they can do more with it. Just like building bigger muscles can improve strength, building bigger parts of the brain may also build more mental ability of some kind. Observations have been made that practicing new languages may help parts of the brain to increase in size.
It May Help Make Memory Better
Several studies have found that those who learn other languages seem to improve their memories. Most people can use some kind of help with memory since their use of electronic devices can sometimes reduce memory dependency. It is highly possible that learning another language is literally exercising the brain and causing it to develop more. It is not surprising. It is much like anything else that seems to improve with more use. Learning and using more than one language is truly doing something that has new demands for the brain.
What If I Am Satisfied With What I Do Now?
There is nothing that says anyone has to learn other languages. The fact is that at this particular time, many people are spending less time in social groups and more time alone. Why not make the decision to seek some real self-improvement? Learning another language can be a fun challenge. If the whole family tries it, how about having a night when you all speak that language at the dinner table? You will have to use it, and it will be fun trying to see just what you can accomplish.
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