Healthy Aging with Chiropractic
By Sara Butler
Growing old can be a pain, but it’s still a privilege not afforded to everyone. If you aren’t feeling your best as you get older you shouldn’t simply sit around and gripe about it – get proactive with chiropractic! Here are just a few of the ways that chiropractic can help you stay healthy and active as you age.
Staying Active
In a 2014 study that looked at the Medicare database, it was found that chiropractic played a huge role in helping to keep people active as they aged. Chiropractic patients were found to have a higher functioning body and higher self-assessed health than people who did not receive chiropractic care. In other words, chiropractic can help to safeguard you against physical deterioration – something that impacts the lives of a lot of people as they get older.
It’s Safe
The medical journal Spine published a study in 2014 that reported the risk for injury was lower for patients looking for chiropractic treatment for musculoskeletal pain than other available treatments. This is because chiropractic is a non-invasive treatment that helps your body to function at its best and do what it was made to do – heal itself. So, it's no surprise that it’s so safe -- as well as effective.
Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment
Your spine plays a huge role in your ability to balance, and any dysfunction of the joints in your back or neck can lead to problems with dizziness or to a condition called vertigo. In older people, this can be especially serious since falls can lead to devastating injuries.
Reduce Blood Pressure
As you get older your blood pressure tends to rise. In fact, about 30 percent of adults suffer from high blood pressure. The Journal of Human Hypertension published a study in 2007 that found patients who received chiropractic adjustments to their neck experienced a decrease in their blood pressure. Just one adjustment was found to improve the blood pressure of 85 percent of the study patients. That’s pretty impressive!
Keep Your Spine Healthy
Your spine impacts everything you do, so it makes sense that a healthy spine will lead to a healthier you. Chiropractic patients have been found to suffer from less overall pain, an increase in the mobility of their spines and better flexion of their hips. These things are incredibly important as you age, and chiropractic can help you to keep your spine healthy so you can be healthy too.
Questions? Bring them up the next time you’re at The Joint!