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How to Check-In With Yourself Daily

Have you ever had a day (or days) where, by the time you get into bed at night, you think to yourself, what just happened? It's almost as if you spent the entire day surrounded by some sort of fog, and you feel as though much of it was an almost out-of-body experience. For me, this often happens when I'm tired, or when my mind is preoccupied with other things and, honestly, it's really, really unenjoyable. However, there are ways to avoid this feeling during the potentially mundane activities of day-to-day life- namely, taking the time to check in with yourself.

Experts believe that if you take a moment a few times each day to ask yourself a question, you will have the opportunity to lift out of the dreaded haziness and become more aware of your actions, surroundings, etc. Here are a few examples:

#1: What do I want to accomplish today? 

When you first wake up in the morning, be sure to mentally state your intentions for the day. Whether that means getting stuff done around the house, making headway on a project at work, or being present and focused with your family, consciously making the decision to do so helps to get your day off on a deliberate and focused foot. 

#2: Should I be eating this? 

For me, one of the biggest pitfalls of stumbling into a hazy routine is the amount of mindless and unnecessary snacking that I will potentially do. If I'm feeling particularly bored or detached from my actions, I tend to remedy this by constantly munching on whatever it is that I find in the fridge. However, if you are to check in with yourself each time you eat something, you have the ability to decide whether or not you're actually hungry, or if you are eating mindlessly. Furthermore, being conscious of what you're putting into your body is equally important. Are you snacking on chips, or are you actually feuling yourself with something wholesome? 

#3: How did I make my life better today? 

As your day is winding down, take a moment (or a few of them) to really reflect on the positive aspects of your day. What did you do that made you proud? Did you cross off an entire to-do list? Did you finally clean out that cluttered mess of a hallway closet? Did you have a serious heart-to-heart with your spouse about finances? Whatever it was, recognizing any constructive parts to your day will allow you to go to sleep in a positive and confident mind space. 


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