Why You Should Be Doing Yoga First Thing In The Morning
If you are not a morning person, the very title of this article was probably enough to cause you to groan out loud. As someone who also has trouble feeling energized and enthusiastic in the early morning hours of the day, I certainly would not blame you for your reaction. However, I do think it is important to start each and every day off on the right foot, even if it means needing to push past any feelings of grogginess or tiredness in order to do so.
Besides all this, I also realized that there are probably certain steps I can take each and every morning that could really help improve my mental clarity and focus while eliminating any grogginess or tiredness that often accompanies my mornings (at least until I have had a cup of coffee). I started to do some research on healthy morning habits, which is how I came across a great post by Get Zen Yoga about the benefits of starting up an early morning yoga routine. Here is what I learned.
You may already know about some of the health benefits of yoga, but I will offer a brief refresher here anyway. Yoga is a fantastic alternative to physical exercise, since it also serves to loosen up the muscles in the body while improving mental clarity and even increasing energy within the body. Yoga is also great for decreasing feelings of stress and anxiety, and regular yoga practice has been associated with overall improved physical and mental health and well being. There are a lot of great reasons to try out a regular yoga routine, but it turns out that practicing yoga the very first thing in the morning is perhaps one of the best ways to really reap its many health benefits.
This is due to several factors. First, establishing a routine of yoga in the morning helps your body to regulate its sleeping habits. In time, your body will become used to waking up and immediately receiving a boost of energy from yoga, which will make the act of getting out of bed that much easier since your body will have a task to look forward to. One of the more important benefits of morning yoga that I have personally noticed is how it allows me to remain more calm and relaxed throughout the entire day, even if it ever gets to be very hectic and stressful.
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