The Habits of Healthy Families
By Sara Butler
Everyone probably knows at least one family that looks as if they belong on the cover of a fitness magazine. They eat right -- including the kids -- they exercise together and they’re just glowing and happy. If you find yourself wondering what their secret to health success is, but know you’d be pushing your luck to get your kid to eat kale, then here are a few tips that may allow you to take on some healthy family habits of your own.
Go Outside
Families that play together stay fit together. It doesn’t matter if your family ranges in age from 9 to 90; one of the keys to being healthy is getting your bodies in motion. Usually, that means getting outside together and doing something, whether it’s a hike, a bike ride or just a walk around the block. Not only does this give you something to do together, it also helps your children pull themselves away from their tablet or smartphone and get going. Plus, it’s great bonding time.
Make Meals Together
Invite your kids into the kitchen and have them help you prepare dinner. This helps them to be not only be invested in meal time, but also acts as a wonderful way to promote healthy eating habits that will be with them for a lifetime.
You can also take them to the store with you to do the food shopping. This is a great opportunity to teach them about food labels and get them involved in the meal-planning process even more. Don’t forget, they look to you as a role model so help them find ways to make healthy eating fun.
Be a Snacktime Savior
If you have kids you’ve probably heard them say there’s nothing to eat in a kitchen full of food. What they probably mean is there’s nothing in the kitchen easy for them to grab and make a snack from -- so you have to give them healthy choices to easily access. Keep healthy snacks on hand to help them fulfill their after-school munchies; keep things such as veggies and hummus, almonds or fruit on hand.
Talk to Your Kids
Communication is a big deal in any family and it something that must be fostered. An easy way to talk more with your kids to eat meals together because it presents you with an opportunity for quality time for you to spend together as well as an opportunity for everyone to share about their day.
It’s also a good idea to ask your kids how everything is going for them or if they need your help with something. It lets them know they have your support and that you’re there for them.
Healthy habits aren’t easy to anyone, but as a family it’s something you can make easier by doing it together!