Ways to Make Retirement Fun with Your Chiropractor’s Help
I have an uncle who dialed this all in as he headed into retirement. Always an active guy, collecting cars, restoring houses, and playing ball in his earlier years, he knew how much fun it was to be out there.
He also had a few twinges of arthritis, and some heart issues, but with the advice of his doctors and his chiropractor he decided the best route was staying active. This approach has worked well for him as he stays active with his grandkids, works on his house and his garden, and just enjoys his retirement. His wife often joins him and maintains a similar exercise schedule.
The American Chiropractic Association agrees with this philosophy.
Dr. Richard Brassard, a past president of the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), said, "Exercise of some type is all but mandatory. Otherwise, an individual may set him or herself up for broken bones, circulation problems caused by atrophying blood vessels, and a myriad of other physical problems associated with aging.”
ACA also pointed out exercise can improve a person’s mobility, digestive system and circulation, and reduce anxiety. When added to a good diet, the right lifestyle for retirement is in place.
ACA suggests walking, starting with one third of a mile per day, one sixth out, one sixth back, three days a week for a month. Then double the distance, working up to a mile, three days a week.
Good Ways To Stretch
ACA also recommends stretching to prevent bowing or stooping caused by shortening of the ligaments. A stoop can inhibit normal breathing.
Stretch groin muscles by sitting on the floor, bending one leg to the side and back as far as possible. Or sit on a cushion on the floor to watch TV.
Put your hands on the wall and stretch the back leg muscles with one foot flat on the floor behind you as you lean into the wall. Or, stand up straight and bend over, gently stretching but not straining. If there is pain stop immediately and see your doctor or chiropractor before trying the stretches again.
Visit the Chiropractor to Find Out More
You may find the chiropractor becoming your senior wellness coach, monitoring your progress, helping to seek relief from pain, and providing helpful tips along the way.
The initial visit includes a spinal adjustment to evaluate spinal health. Then a complete medical history review and discussion of a daily schedule helps the chiropractor identify any problems and make suggestions for ways to stay active safely.
The chiropractor’s goal will be to achieve mobility and pain relief without medications or surgery. There may also be suggestions for weight loss, relaxation exercises, and new strength exercises to protect joints.
As pain shows up, or new questions come up about walking and other exercises, the chiropractor can provide good answers and helpful tips. With an ongoing monitoring the chiropractor can help to catch changes early.
If this sounds like a great way for you to stay fit as you move into retirement, make an appointment today.
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