The Easiest Tips for Beginning a Healthy Eating Plan
By Genevieve Cunningham
Even though we all know that we're supposed to eat healthy, we often don't do it. Why? For some, it's pure laziness. But for the vast majority, it's simply a lack of knowledge. Instead of making it simple, we try to over complicate the process, and all of a sudden, we're overwhelmed and quit. But what if we could actually make it simple? If you would like to simplify the healthy eating process, take a look at these tips that you can actually follow.
Minimize Your Choices
Don't give yourself too many choices. It just makes it harder. Instead, pick out two or three healthy breakfasts and two or three healthy lunches, and then rotate. Will it get boring? It might. But it will get you moving in the right direction. As you get used to eating fewer foods, you can expand by a little bit or include snacks and dinner.
Just Choose Water
This one is so, so, so simple and makes an incredibly large impact. And yet we skip it so much! Instead of reaching for the soda, reach for water. This is only challenging in the mind, as your body is definitely already craving water and will welcome it gladly. If you need to, flavor the water. If you need to go slowly, then only add a glass per day or so. But seriously, make this switch! Even if it's the only change you make, it will show results faster than almost any other.
Don't Go Diet Crazy
You don't have to follow any new fad diet. Actually, just don't. Instead, choose foods that are both healthy and delicious, and put those in your diet. If you try to follow a crazy plan, you're more likely to quit or binge eat. But if you choose good foods that you actually enjoy, you're halfway through the hard part. If you need help, speak with a dietitian to help make a customized plan that is specific to you.
We make things so complicated when they just don't have to be, and healthy eating is definitely one of these things. Use these tips to make the process as simple as it can possibly be. With some practice and a little perseverance, you can successfully change your diet and enjoy better health as a result.
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