Why Chiropractics Could Keep You a Step Ahead in Life
In a world where every day demands mental and physical alertness, your chiropractor could be the person in the background that helps you stay sharp and keep moving.
Most of us do not think about chiropractors until our back or neck hurts, or our knees complain. But chiropractors actually offer an additional health service, as they assess where we are physically and mentally, and help us shape up and regroup before the pain or injuries show up.
Several people in my family figured this out early as they moved through their careers, enjoyed their hobbies, and did all they could for their families. In the background, their chiropractors advised them on good relaxation techniques, strength exercises, and healthy diets. They helped them keep it all going.
The American Chiropractic Association describes this as a patient centered, whole person approach, marked by greater interaction and better communication that results in consistently higher patient satisfaction ratings than that of doctors.
What Happens When You See A Chiropractor
The initial visit will include a spinal manipulation to assess spinal health and identify any areas of pain. The chiropractor will want to do a complete review of medical history, and discuss what daily schedule and leisure time activities look like. The chiropractor’s goal will be to seek solutions for pain and ways to maintain or restore daily activities without using medication or surgery.
In contrast to a doctor’s visit where there is an appointment often followed by prescription of medication or advice for home care, the chiropractor usually shapes an overall program to monitor health and often sets up an ongoing care routine. This keeps the chiropractor in touch with the patient which helps to spot new developments before they have a chance to set in and cause bigger problems.
For many these ongoing programs lead to weight loss, relaxation therapy, new job approaches that reduce overloads, and suggestions for gym classes or stress reducing classes like yoga or Tai Chi.
One of my friends described this as an ongoing tune up. She is one of those people who likes to be busy and does not want to slow down. Her chiropractor keeps pace with her and has helped steer her into some regular relaxation techniques and stress reducing classes. A new diet and better schedule management have also come out of their discussions.
If this sounds like something you would like to try, make an appointment with a chiropractor now and find out more.
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