Why 30 Minutes of Exercise a Day is Important to Your Health
Children and adults are getting less exercise today than ever before, and this is contributing to a health crisis unlike that we have ever seen. Taking care of your body through regular chiropractic adjustments, diet and nutrition is important, but so is getting your body moving. Here is how you can be not only healthier but happier by adding just 30 minutes of exercise to your day.
The Danger of Inactivity
Studies have shown that 9% of deaths globally are due to inactivity. That may not sound like a lot, but that works out to 5.3 deaths that were otherwise avoidable every single year. This is because the less active a person is, then the more likely they are to get sick. In fact, inactivity may contribute to breast and colon cancer, diabetes and even heart disease.
The Cost of Inactivity
Today, studies have found that 30% of children are obese. This sets them up for a lifetime of not only health issues, but increased health costs too. Obese people pay 42% more in health costs every year! Worldwide, the cost of illness due to inactivity totaled about $200 billion dollars.
It Only Takes 30 Minutes
An average 155 pound person will burn about 150 calories through walking or yoga, 225 calories from weight lifting, 300 on an elliptical or 260 from stationary bicycling in just 30 minutes. If those kinds of exercises don’t float your boat, then even fun games can be a great way to burn calories. Bowling, golf and Frisbee each burn 112 calories in 30 minutes.
Benefits of Weight Loss
Losing 10% of your body weight can have a huge impact on your health! It can lower cholesterol, decrease your chances of contracting type 2 diabetes and lower your blood pressure. Over a lifetime, it reduces your chance of stroke and increases your chances to live longer.
Improved Mood
30 minutes of exercise isn’t just good for your body, but your mood too! Exercise has been shown to improve mood for up to 12 hours after you have finished it. And, just 5 minutes of exercise in a natural outdoor setting can improve mood and self-esteem. Studies have even shown that 35 minutes of fast walking five days a week, had a significant impact on mild or moderate depression. 30 minutes of exercise can also work to boost your brain power and improve your sleep.
If you have any questions about what you can do to incorporate more exercise into your day, talk to your chiropractor. They know you best and can help to suggest exercises that will fit into your lifestyle and work at your fitness level!
Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Martin Pettitt