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Tips for Kicking the Cigarette Habit to the Curb

Smoking is a really bad habit. Not only is it bad for your lungs, but we’ve also come to learn that it’s bad for your skin, teeth, heart...pretty much your entire body. The unfortunate part about smoking is that it is highly addictive, so quitting is not an easy feat. If you’re ready to kick the habit, but you’re having trouble, check out these tips for putting down the cigarettes for good.

Find a Replacement

Part of the addiction is the physical act of smoking a cigarette. You’re used to holding it in your hands, and you’re used to the break that goes with it. Instead, try and find an alternative. Pick up a new hobby, and do that every time the urge to smoke hits. Since the urge is likely to hit you often, pick something that can be done quickly and at any location. The important part is to choose something that interests you, and replace all of your smoking habits with this new hobby until you are able to say no to the nicotine.

Use a Supplement

Some people have a lot of success with a nicotine supplement. You can get this in the form of a patch or gum. This gives you the nicotine without the carcinogens that are in a cigarette. Keep in mind that this should always be a temporary solution, and never a complete or permanent replacement for the habit. Use the supplement, slowly backing off until you no longer need any nicotine at all.

Find Some Friendly Support

If you’re really trying to quit...tell people. Let people in on your struggle. Not only will they be proud of you, but they will also more than likely be more than happy to help you. Getting yourself a support group, especially a non smoking support group, can keep you accountable to yourself and your actions.

Grab a Snack

Many people find that they gain weight when they stop smoking. Usually, this is because instead of smoking, they eat. It’s the replacement theory, except they use food as a replacement instead of a hobby. If you think this might work for you, great! Try and choose a healthy snack, like carrots or almonds, to eat when the urge to smoke hits. If you choose a healthy snack, you can stop smoking and improve your health all at the same time.

Smoking is a tough habit to quit, but with preparation and some support, it’s definitely possible. Use these tips to drop the cigarettes for good and to improve your health and well being for many years to come.

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