Chiropractic Tips for Drivers
By Sara Butler
If you spend a lot of time behind the wheel of your car then you are at a higher risk for spinal disorders. It’s true! According to the National Institutes of Health, there is a direct correlation between commuting regularly and problems with the spine. The reason for this is the way car seats are designed, which isn’t very supportive of the spine. You’d think with all the engineering that goes into cars, and the price you pay for them, that car seats would be better but it’s really up to you to go the extra mile and ensure your spine’s health during your commute. Here are some practical tips to help you keep your spine healthy behind the wheel of your car.
It’s All About Lumbar Support
Your lower back needs to be supported when you’re sitting down. Unfortunately most car seats don’t’ deliver in this area and the natural curves of your spine aren’t supported by your car seat. Some do have built-in lumbar supports in the seats, but it may not be there or may not be using it correctly. Make sure the lower part of the seat is either touching your lower back or roll up a towel or sweatshirt to place between your back and the seat for support. This will encourage better posture as you’re driving and hopefully prevent you from slouching or slumping over the wheel.
Give It a Rest
Breaks are really important when you’re driving for long periods. You could sit all day with picture perfect posture and still be sore at the end of the day if you don’t take breaks, move around and give your muscles a chance to rest. Even if your commute is relatively short you should stretch and move around before you leave and after you arrive to help support a healthy back.
Heads Up!
The position of your head when you’re driving is really important. Of course, your eyes should always be on the road but it’s important to make sure you’re head isn’t leaning forward since that can put unnecessary strain on your neck and shoulders that can eventually lead to pain and discomfort. Your head should be centered over your spine with your chin tucked down as your drive.
If you spend a lot of time in your car, or if you drive for a living, it’s really important to speak with your chiropractor about it. They can not only help to keep your spine in proper alignment but also give you some more tips to help keep you healthy on the road.