Pay Attention to Temperature for Better Health
By Tom Herrin
Many times, when people look for solutions to common problems that confront them, they often try to find some kind of standard solutions. Thinking outside the box may seem foreign. Those typical remedies may be to take some kind of medication that is specially designed for their problem. Taking the opportunity to be a little more creative may offer some good possibilities. It is generally considered to be that most people prefer to live in a temperature range of 60-80 degrees. Apparently temperature may have a significant impact on some aspects of life. Understanding this may enhance the quality of life for many.
Sleep Cooler, Sleep Better
People have all kinds of preferences when it comes to what they feel is most comfortable for them. In studies, some have found that there may be an ideal range of temperatures at which people sleep best. That range is 65-72 degrees. They even go so far as to say that the prime temperature may be 68 degrees. One of the reasons why this cooler temp is believed to be better is because warmer temperatures are thought to inhibit some things having to do with sleep cycles.
The Right Temperature May Support Weight Loss
A lot of individuals struggle with their weight. No matter what they do, it may seem as if they are on hold. Some research regarding the effects of temperature on weight loss suggests there is a very narrow range of temperatures that may enhance effective weight loss. That range is 64-67 degrees. To go along with that, for the brave, is the notion that those who shiver may burn calories at a rate five times that of normal. If you think that can work, braving that cold for a short period of time may crank up the rate.
Give It a Try
I have always felt that I slept better when it is colder outdoors. Some believe that a weighted blanket makes them sleep better. At one time, I had a lot of trouble sleeping. Once I decided that I would turn my thermostat down before I went to bed each night, I found that I was able to sleep better and sounder. If I do this and stay on a good schedule, I find that I am much more rested. What works for me may work for you as well.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Plano, Tex.