Never Give up Sunlight
By Tom Herrin
When the time of year arrives in which the days are shorter than the nights, many of us choose to stay indoors and pull the windows closed. Many see it as a time to catch up on all that was missed. For some, this is lots of television. For others, it may be several series of books. It may sound pretty good, but it has a downside. That is the fact that it can cut us off from the rest of the world and everything it has to offer. This includes sunlight that is vitally important to our health.
Sunlight Can Provide Energy
We all know the relationship between sunlight and the food chain. It is critical in order to have photosynthesis take place. Sunlight also has a significant impact on us. When the sunlight strikes the eye, it can stimulate the brain to increase the metabolism. This can be a good way of waking ourselves up. Simply opening the windows to let in light may be all it takes, but it i important to do it each and every day.
The Sun Can Improve Mood
A lot of the time, when we think in terms of getting into a good mood, we think more about moonlight. Of course, that is a different kind of mood. The sun has quite an effect on many of us. Have you ever found yourself down and depressed when you go for days without seeing a clear blue sky? It is more real than some might believe. It is believed that as many as a half million people in this country suffer true depression in this way. Many others have milder symptoms, but it is a problem just the same. I know about this only too well as I am pretty affected by lack of sunlight in this way. I even tried painting my office a sky blue to try to help.
Our Option Are Inexpensive
One thing for sure is that increasing our sunlight is cheap. All we have to do is open a window and let light in. If that doesn't work well for you, just go outside and take a walk. Only a few short minutes may be enough to make a big difference. Keep letting in that sunlight, especially in winter. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Plano, Tex.