Tips for Managing Back Pain During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is full of wonderful changes, as well as some not so wonderful changes. To accommodate your little one's growing fetus, your body will shift and expand. Hips get wider, tummies get heavier, and you retain more water. All of this can lead to a lot of back pain. No matter how far along you are, get relief now while preventing future back pain.
Keep Fit While Pregnant: We know that the last thing you want to do in your uncomfortable state is to go for a walk or follow along with an exercise video. In fact, everything about pregnancy makes working out harder. However, it is essential to keep up some form of daily activity to keep your back pain at bay. As your baby belly expands, the ab muscles are usually separated to make room for junior. Since strong ab muscles help keep back pain away, pregnant ladies need to rely on other muscles to keep their backs strong. Just taking regular walks will keep your muscle tone where it should be, and keep major back pain away. Remember that too much exercise during pregnancy can have the adverse affect and cause unnecessary back pain.
Use Belly Supports: Many companies make special belly belts and compression leggings that help support the increasing weight of a pregnant belly. Use them to combat and prevent back pain. Consult your physician on how to properly use these belly supports.
Kiss Back Pain Away with Chiropractic Care: Yes, it is safe to visit a chiropractor during pregnancy. It is actually highly beneficial too! Chiropractors can gently adjust pregnant women and help realign their spines and hips. Since a pregnant woman's body is rapidly changing, it is common for subluxations (misalignment) to occur. Regular chiropractic care can even help prevent complications that may arise during delivery. It is best to avoid chiropractic care before 12 weeks, and to consult your primary physician if you have a high-risk pregnancy.
Get Enough Sleep and Use Sleep Support: A good night's sleep may seem like a thing of the past once you become pregnant. It is important to find aids that will help you get enough sleep. A body pillow can help keep your hips level while supporting the extra weight of the stomach. Furthermore, relaxation and sleeping soundtracks can also work wonders. Pregnancy demands a lot of your body and mental state, therefore it is important to get enough sleep.
Pregnancy should be a fun and exciting time of your life, not a time of chronic pain. Try these tips above to relieve your back pain. Also, consult with your OBGYN for more tips on how to deal with the pain.