Delayed Pain From Car Accidents
By Randi Morse
Being involved in an automobile accident can be extremely scary. Many victims of automobile accidents find that they don't remember what happened after an accident, or their view of time is skewed. That's why it's easily understandable that people don't take care of themselves properly after an automobile accident. Some assume that if they weren't injured enough to require an ambulance trip, they don't need to receive any medical care. This is far from the truth. It's important to know that even a collision at a slow speed could cause you to sustain an injury.
No Pain
The body is an amazing organism capable of more things than most of us will ever realize. One thing that it is great at is holding off pain in stressful situations. During this time the body produces more adrenaline, and this adrenaline blocks pain receptors. Have you ever seen a movie in which a character gets shot but doesn't immediately realize that they have been? This is a true phenomenon. It's why you might not feel pain instantly after you've been involved in a vehicle collision. Many times victims don't feel pain until a few days, or even a few weeks, after the accident. That is why it is so important to seek care within 24 hours of the collision, because you can't necessarily trust your body to tell you the whole story.
Whiplash is one of the most commonly received injuries from automobile accidents. But what is whiplash? It's an injury that occurs when the neck is forced to move back and forth rapidly. Think of how a whip cracks, how the back and forth movement creates a violent snap. This is what whiplash is, only the whip is your neck. Symptoms of whiplash include stiffness, neck pain, and headaches. Don't make the common mistake of ignoring the pain believing it will disappear on its own. Without proper care, whiplash can have lasting effects and complications on the body.
Chiropractic Care
If you have been in a car accident but did not feel you were injured enough to go to the emergency room, it's a good idea to visit a chiropractor. An experienced chiropractor will be able to examine you and tell quickly if there are any misalignments or restrictions of the vertebrae. Regular treatment by your chiropractor will also help relieve any sort of sprains or strains your neck or spine may be experiencing.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Katy, Tex.