Should You Take A Spin Class?
When it comes to working out and getting exercise, I have to admit that my routines are pretty basic and standard, compared to all of the options that are out there. For every handful of new and trendy fad workouts that are out there each year, maybe one manages to stick its way out and prove itself to actually be useful.
This is why I have decided to start waiting at least a year from hearing about the hottest new exercise routine before trying it out – I don’t want to be duped into something that provides no results, after all! Keeping this in mind, I have now been hearing about spin classes for over a year at this point, so of course I’ve got to start doing some more research on it.
I heard about it and I see advertisements for it practically everywhere, but I’m surprised at how little I really understand about what goes on in a spin class exactly, not to mention how and why it can benefit you so greatly. My interest was piqued even more after reading a post by Spark People about the ins and outs of this trendy yet lasting workout. If you’ve also been curious about this fitness routine, read on.
Spinning classes are, as you may have guessed from pictures of the equipment in spin studios, a form of indoor cycling.Interestingly enough, only trained and certified spin instructors are allowed to actually conduct a spin class. That definitely puts my mind at ease a little bit; getting a license or certification in any trade is no easy feat, after all. Spinning is remarkably very low key and it can be adjusted to whatever fitness level you’re most comfortable with.
This clearly isn’t like CrossFit or anything designed to truly kick your butt into gear – spin classes are actually praised by many people as being more relaxing and personalized. All you really have to do is set the resistance level on your bike to whatever you are able to handle at that given time. From there, your spin class instructor will “guide” you through the ride. That certainly sounds like a great way to ease into the life of a fitness junkie. After reading this post, I’m convinced that I should try out a spin class at my local gym the next time I am able to. It’ll be customizable and different every time – what’s not to love?