Why You Aren't Losing Belly Fat
If you have recently decided to go on a diet in an effort to lose a few pounds, you have probably figured out pretty quickly that it can be a very challenging task to achieve. No matter what your weight loss goal is, there are unfortunately a wide variety of pitfalls and traps that you can easily fall into that can make your journey towards a healthier body that much longer and even more strenuous than it already normally is.
If you have been trying to lose weight through eating a better diet with more nutritious foods, in conjunction with exercising on a more regular basis, yet you still have been having trouble shedding some weight, you can take some comfort in knowing that this is not a unique problem to you. Many people struggle with this, and as I found out from a very informative article by Health, it turns out that there really are quite a lot of ways for a person to become sidelined, even inadvertently, from their health goals.
Let’s say that you’ve been eating less food every day, compared to your earlier habits of eating large meals frequently through the day. If you have cut back on your intake of food, yet still can’t seem to lose that weight, take into consideration what you are now eating. Maybe you have turned to relying on low fat snacks and diet bars in order to get you through the day? Unfortunately, it turns out that these foods are highly processed and tend to be loaded with sugar and other unnatural ingredients and additives that can not only prevent you from losing weight, but they can actually make you gain weight. This is because they have no nutritional value, so you are not actually getting nourished, which makes your body crave even more food than normal.
If this is all making you stressed, that could be another problem as well, ironically enough. It turns out that stress can actually prevent a person from losing weight, let alone live a healthy life in general. When the stress hormone cortisol increases in the body, blood pressure and blood sugar levels will often elevate as well, which can make you tired and therefore unable to start or even finish a successful workout. Stress can also cause you to overeat as an emotional response to the strong feelings in your body. Make sure your diet is filled with fresh foods, and take care of your mental health, if you want to start seeing some weight loss results.
Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Jonathan Rolande