3 Major Signs That You're Dehydrated
It may surprise you, but it turns out that most of us are dehydrated most of the time. If you think about it, that means that at this very moment, your body is most likely fighting to keep itself hydrated. And being hydrated is actually a super important facet of our bodies maintaining themselves; our overall health actually depends on us regularly replenishing what fluid we lose (and our bodies pretty much lose fluid all day, every day).
The issue is that it’s actually pretty difficult to tell that you’re dehydrated, unless you know the signals to watch out for. So here are the top three indicators that, most likely, your body is dehydrated and you need to down some water.
You have a persistent headache
Are you having trouble shaking that pesky headache? There’s a really good chance that you’re dehydrated. It was mentioned before but it's worth mentioning again- your body is consistently losing fluids throughout the course of a day. And with that, you are also losing sodium and potassium, both of which are essential nutrients that you body needs. And, your brain is actually super sensitive to nutrient loss, which may explain why your head is pounding non-stop. Therefore, the more dehydrated you are, the worse your headache will be. So, if you feel a headache lurking, save yourself hours of unnecessary pain and down a few glasses of water.
Your urine is dark yellow
I know that examining your urine isn't necessarily at the top of your list of things to do. However, your body’s waste is actually a super efficient way to gauge your overall well-being. And, remember, the darker yellow your urine is, the more concentrated it is with waste. When your body is lacking necessary hydration, the waste isn’t flushed out as efficiently and it just sort of sits there. According to Greg Justice, an exercise physiologist at AYC Fitness in Kansas City and author of Mind Your Own Fitness, "When you're fully hydrated, the waste is easily flushed out in a more efficient manner.”
You’re constipated
I'll say it again: how your body rids itself of waste matter is an incredibly accurate indicator of how well-oiled its mechanics are. And, similarly to urine, your body’s water supply helps to efficiently move waste through your colon and out of your body. But, if your body is lacking the necessary amount of fluids, the waste just sort of sits sedentary in your colon and gets increasingly backed up.
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