6 Easy Ways To Be Healthy & Fit
Sometimes we drift into eating and working routines that really need a quick reshaping to give us more energy, and satisfaction. Lifehack has a few suggestions that can help us get back on track.
Eat less processed foods
If your shopping cart is loaded with fresh veggies and fruits, yogurts, and lean meats, fish or chicken with only a few bags of chips, or frozen meals, you are in the right zone. Keep going, trying new recipes, sampling new fruits and veggies, and trimming out the fats and extra sugars from your meals.
Fit exercise into your day every day
It does not have to be a big production, just make sure some of your good routines happen. Brisk walks, long runs, yoga sessions, biking, and gym workouts all count, but they count a lot less if they only happen once a week. If you can’t swing big blocks of time do small 15 minute sessions before breakfast, at lunch or after work. And latch onto a few extra stretches and exercises that you can do wherever you are.
Trade large meals for smaller meals
Waiting until you are starved and sitting down to a huge lunch or dinner automatically sets you up for lots of extra calories and often the wrong choices. Instead eat small healthy foods like a chicken and walnut salad with ice tea, fresh fruits and yogurt with hot tea, salmon and sautéed veggies, or turkey slices and avocado on whole wheat bread.
Keep lots of healthy snacks on hand
Load the fridge with hummus, chunk tuna, low fat yogurt that is also low on sugar, teas and juices. Then stock up on apples, pears, berries, bananas – whatever fruits disappear quickly at your house. Keep refilling with more choices in nuts and seeds.
Make eating a singular event
Too many times we munch away as we work on a project, watch a show or drive from point to point. Try to make eating the main event instead. Finding a comfortable table, and just enjoy the fresh apple or grapes and tea you chose, giving your body and your mind a break. Chew slowly and enjoy every bite. Your foods will be predigested when they get to your stomach and you will feel fuller sooner.
Start tracking your food and your exercise
For a week keep a chart of what you ate and how you exercised every day. Don’t fudge the entries just fill it in and provide an overall view of where you are winning and sometimes losing the battle. You may find yourself adding more exercises at new times, or rolling right by those aisles of chips and pastries.
A whole week of good or bad efforts quickly tell us why we are gaining or losing weight and feeling just so so or really great.