4 Superfoods You Are Overdoing
When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, it is important to make exercise, sleep, and healthy superfoods a priority. However, like anything in life, it is always possible to overdo a good thing. Take even some of the healthiest foods into consideration. While these four health foods are a perfect compliment to a healthy diet, it is possible to overdo the goodness.
Kale is loaded with essential nutrients and antioxidants, while being naturally low or void in calories, fat, and carbohydrates. However, the new obsession with kale may have the rest of the world overdoing it.
Many individuals are juicing kale, eating kale packed salads, and even munching on kale chips. Unfortunately, this much kale could have some negative side effects, such as kidney stones. Kale contains oxalate, which can bind with calcium to make kidney stones. The best thing to do is to keep kale in your diet, but don’t overdo it. There are several other vegetables available that will give you the health boost you are looking for.
Sushi can be a wonderful healthy food when you choose raw fatty fish to eat. The problem with indulging in sushi too often is that many times the most popular fishes used to make sushi contained too high levels of mercury. Those who overindulge in sushi may overdose in mercury. The scary part is that mercury poisoning, which can affect your vision and muscle strength, can take months to show its signs.
Fortified Foods
Fortified foods take up most of the shelf space at a grocery store. From water to cereal, energy bars, and orange juice, it is hard to avoid fortified products. Overdosing on certain vitamins and nutrients can lead to problems. For example, too much zinc in your diet could weaken your immune system, where as too much calcium can cause kidney problems and constipation.
Another overdone health food is seaweed. While seaweed can be linked to heart health, it also contains a lot of iodine. Too much iodine can mess with your thyroid, which will then cause issues with fatigue and weight.
Whoever said, “You can never have too much of a good thing,” was wrong. When it comes to these four healthy superfoods, balance is everything. In fact, next time you see a new “superfood” being promoted, remember that you should not overdo it. Instead, eat from a wide range of fruits and vegetables, and avoid eating too much of one food or food group to stay healthy.
Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Kyle Brammer