Simple Lifestyle Changes That'll Make Your Exercise Habits tick
All of us have the best intentions to stick with a workout schedule. However, it always seems that life and many other excuses get in the way. Before we know it, weeks go by and we haven’t even seen the inside of a gym. Here are some easy ways to change up your life to make that workout habit stick once and for all.
Schedule It
Many workout professionals will attribute their workout success to the fact that they pencil exercise into their schedule. They make it a non-negotiable meeting, just like they would one of their business meetings. Put your workout time in your calendar big and bold, and make sure others know that this is your dedicated time to exercise.
Choose Your Own Workout Time
There are several different studies showing the best time to work out for the best results. However, if morning workouts are the best, and you are not a morning person, then chances are you will miss out on working out. Forget what the experts recommend and workout the best time for you. If you only have 10 free minutes one day, then make the most of it with a HIIT workout that incorporates running in place, squats, and planks.
Gear Up
If you want to get in the mood to work out, then wear your workout clothes. Just wearing your running shoes and workout pants can help motivate you to move more. If you plan on working out early in the morning, just wear your workout clothes to bed.
Promise Yourself 10 Minutes
The hardest thing about working out is starting. Promise yourself that once you do 10 minutes of your workout, you can quit. Most of the time, you will be fired up after 10 minutes and want to finish the workout. If you do quit at 10 minutes, at least you did some exercise rather than nothing.
Get a Deeper Why
Why do you want to work out? If your reasons are superficial, for example, looking great in a bikini, then your motivation will wane quickly. Instead, find a better reason to work out and get healthy. Perhaps it is so you can have more energy to enjoy your life or that you can set a positive example for your children.
Habits are hard to form, but if you change your daily habits, you can make any healthy habit stick. Remember to reward yourself for sticking with a habit and to be consistent in healthy habit building for at least 21 days.
Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Take Back Your Health Conference