The Many Health Benefits of a Standing Desk
There are days when you might dread going in to work. The thought of going to the office and sitting at a desk for hours on end while worrying about your productivity can be unappealing at times, if not a little disheartening. Each Monday morning might feel like a death sentence as the blissful relaxation of the weekend gives way to the monotonous drag of the workweek.
Interestingly, going to your desk job for several hours per day might actually be a death sentence. Research has shown that the time we spend sitting can increase the chances of death from various causes by as much as 50%. These causes involve the effects that sitting has on metabolism, blood sugar, cardiovascular health, weight gain, and cholesterol. The human body was not designed for long periods of sitting, the research shows. Standing, on the other hand, seems to have a much healthier impact on the body.
Diabetes and Weight Gain
When you are sitting, your muscles are completely inactive, and you stop burning calories. This can lead to weight gain as well as interfere with your metabolism. Specifically, your body can no longer deal with blood sugar in appropriate ways, so long hours sitting at a desk can lead to diabetes. On the other hand, studies have shown that you burn 1,000 more calories per day just by standing and moving around, which will head off metabolism and weight problems.
Breast and colon cancer both show strong links with physical activity. Other types of cancer may also have some connection with the time you spend sitting inert. If you use a standing desk, you will be a little more physically active, and your chances of getting cancer will go down.
Heart Disease
Sitting alters your blood flow in ways that are bad for your heart. This leads to an increased risk of heart disease by about 125%. In other words, sitting at a desk all day more than doubles your chances of developing heart problems, including heart attacks. Getting on your feet with a standing desk will help you avoid that catastrophe.
A standing desk helps you avoid a variety of deadly health problems, and it can also help you be more productive at work. Studies have shown that productivity is increased by over 10% with a standing desk versus sitting. It goes to show that if you take care of your body, it will help you do better at work as well as in all other parts of your life.