Is Your Job Making You Fat?
Feel like you need to buy a bigger size pants every time you get a pay raise? You aren't the only one. According to an interactive study done by CareerBuilder, 41 percent of individuals reported to gaining weight from their current jobs.
There are a lot of reasons why your job could be expanding your waistline, from your stress, to less inactive hours, to poor diets. Here are just a few reasons why your current job is packing on the pounds and how you can prevent it.
Hours of Sitting
One of the most obvious reasons the weight is slowly sneaking up on you is because of the number of hours you sit. Even just sitting for an extra thirty minutes a day to get some overtime in can cause you to burn less calories. Long hours of sitting has been frequently linked to higher BMIs and many other health issues. How do you transform your desk job into a more active one? Try to stand more or walk more while still getting your work done. Some workers go as far as using a standing desk or treadmill desk.
Your Long Commute
Not only are the hours at your desk causing weight gain, but your long commute is too. Many studies have found that those who take public transportation or ride their bikes to work are more likely to avoid excess weight gain. If commuting by bike is a possibility to you, find out how you can fit it into your work schedule.
Job Stress
Another big problem with your job is the constant stress you are under. The more stress you experience the more likely you are going to reach for sugar and fat loaded foods. Your increase of cortisol, the stress hormone, also makes far cling to your waistline and harder to get rid of. The solution is to figure out how to manage your stress in a healthy way.
Poor Lunch Options
There are so many food temptations at work. The number one problem is going to fast food for lunch each day. Even if you manage to make healthier choices, the healthier meals can still have a lot more hidden sodium and sugar in them. Another problem is high calorie foods that are often brought in for meetings. It is best to be prepared by keeping healthy foods at your desk or in your purse. Some shelf-stable ideas are bars without added sugar, tuna packets, while grain crackers, and whole fruit.
This year, get a promotion without having to put on the pounds. Making healthy habits at work is essential for staying healthy the rest of your day.