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Smart Ways To Watch the Clock, Try Paleo & Lose Weight


We all learn quickly to keep little running totals of calories devoured, and to know just by the fit of our jeans where we stand on the scale. But the timing of meals and snacks may be almost as crucial as what we are eating. If the timing is wrong it can undercut everything else.

EasyHealthOptions reports new research says every organ in the body has a clock and when we eat at strange, unpredictable times, those clocks can malfunction, leading to belly fat, high blood sugar, and other metabolism misfires.

When you contrast the way our ancestors rose with the morning light and went to sleep as it grew dark, our 24-7 online efforts and midnight pizza deliveries are bound to raise new health issues, and pack on pounds.

Research shows restricting eating to eight hours during the day is less fattening than eating on and off from morning ‘till night, even if you eat the same amount of food.

Our genes are set to cycle on and off producing blood sugar and breaking down cholesterol when we eat. When we are not eating they need go into rest mode. Giving them an eight hour recovery period can help our diet and our health.

Researcher Satchidananda Panda says when we eat randomly those genes are not completely on or off. Panda also says the heart, liver, kidneys and brain have times when they work best and other times when they need to go offline and rest.

How This Fits with Paleo

The Paleo Diet seeks to recreate foods and lifestyles that were used before modern agriculture and technology took over our lives. As our urban culture pushes us to run 24-7, unplugging the Paleo way could help us reverse the flow, eating better and sleeping sounder.

Ways to Handle Late Night Eating

Life happens and schedules change. You may have to work long hours now and then, have guests visiting, or kids running on different schedules. When meals and snacks do move around try to keep them away from the fast food tacos and tubs of ice cream looking more like fresh fruit protein shakes or bites of left over breast of chicken.

Research at the Institute of Sports Sciences & Medicine, Florida State University found people who exercised during the day and had protein shakes at night showed improved recovery from daily workouts.

Confining our eating to eight hours daily whenever possible, substituting healthy protein snacks for junk food, trying the Paleo Diet, and shutting down screens earlier could help to make us slimmer, stronger and better rested.

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Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of atmidnightwhite

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