The Top 3 Reasons to Make Water Your Drink of Choice
If I had a dollar for every time someone told me they didn’t like water, I would probably have at least a couple thousand dollars. Water seems to be one of the most hated beverages, but it is also the only one that we really need. Instead of filling our bellies and bodies with water, we tend to go for drinks with flavor or caffeine like sodas, juice, energy drinks, tea, or coffee.
We have become so accustomed to the flavor and stimulation that comes with these drinks, we have forgotten just how good plain old water can make us feel. If this is you, and you are in a no water rut, check out these great reasons to make water your number one drink of choice.
Water May Help You Look Better
This works in a couple of different ways. For starters, water may be able to help you lose weight. Water can make you feel full, which can keep you from taking in too many calories. It can also help to flush the digestive tract and the toxins in there along with it. The more water you drink, the more likely your body is going to stay clean, slim, and healthy. Another way it may help you feel better is by clearing the skin. When you get those toxins out of your body with water, you will have less instances of acne, more supple skin, and a softer more youthful appearance overall.
Water Can Help You Think
You probably already knew that your body is a huge percentage water. But what you may not have known is that your brain is also a huge percentage water. In fact, the little parts of your brain that carry messages are almost 90% water. This means that when you are dehydrated, this part of your brain suffers greatly and you may feel foggy minded as a result. Drinking more water can keep these connections healthy, which can then improve your ability to focus and concentrate.
Water Can Eliminate Pain
Dehydration is a big deal. If you get dehydrated enough, your body can shut down and you can die. That’s a pretty big deal! On a less serious note, dehydration can cause pain in the body. Stomach cramps, stiff joints, cramping muscles, and headaches are just a few of the pains that can come from a lack of water. Stick to water and you may find many aches and pains fall by the wayside.
If you still don’t think water is worth the switch, try a trial run. Drink water for one week or 3 days or whatever you find to be do-able. Though it might be challenging at first, you will quickly find that water is truly the way to go. Drink your fair share of H2O and see your health improve right before your eyes.
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Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of David Michalczuk