The Difference Between Trigger Point Therapy And Chiropractic Care
Even if you are unfamiliar with the process of receiving chiropractic treatment, you probably understand that it involves using force and applied pressure, in order to relieve conditions that may be causing pain and soreness in the back, joints, or other parts of the body.
Interestingly enough, you may recognize this definition as being extremely similar to that of most basic massage techniques, including a treatment method known as trigger point therapy. So, is there really a difference between the two? Does one method benefit a particular patient or condition more than the other does?
I decided to do some research and find out for myself, since I was so curious about the matter. This curiosity of mine led me to come across a post by Commonhealth Chiropractic which outlines the basic principles of trigger point therapy. Combined with my knowledge about chiropractic care, here’s what I can tell you about the similarities and differences between trigger point therapy and chiropractic treatment.
Let’s start with chiropractics. Chiropractors are trained to use manual manipulation to apply force, in order to adjust the spinal column. Since a misaligned spine can lead to many different health issues throughout the body, it’s important to make sure that the spine is in its correct posture. Other areas of the body can be manipulated as well, such as the joints and the upper neck area. A chiropractor’s goal is to use all natural treatment methods in order to restore balance and functionality to the body in a non invasive manner that poses virtually no risk to the patient.
Trigger point therapy is performed in a similar manner, with similar intentions and goals. Trigger point therapy can be performed by trained and licensed doctors of chiropractic who may find a patient could benefit from it. A trigger point on the body is considered to be an area with stiffness and tightness in the muscle. This may lead to a disruption of daily activities, and it may make something as simple as reaching up a difficult and painful thing to do.
If a doctor of chiropractic decides to use trigger point therapy, he or she may use their hands or a small instrument to relax the muscle by using concentrated force and movement to the area. After just one session of trigger point therapy, many patients find that their mobility is increased. While chiropractic can benefit virtually everyone, trigger point therapy is best used on patients with tightness in the muscle that contributes to limited movement.
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