Stay Healthy While Working From Home
By Sara Butler
Working from home seems like a dream scenario to a lot of people. After all, you don’t even have to change out of your pajamas if you don’t want to! There are many benefits to working from home, but it can be a challenge to stay healthy both physically and mentally when you aren’t required to leave the house on a daily basis – and when your home is your office. Here are some tips to help you keep your sanity and stay healthy while you work from your home office.
Create Separation
One of the biggest challenges to people who work from home is separating home business from the business you conduct out of your home. You have to be able to separate yourself from the things going on in your home, such as your kids, your pets or even the television. This is the only way to be able to stay sane while you get things done. If you can create a space, such as a home office, that is for your work and nothing else, that’s a great step.
Keep Comfortable
If your chiropractor has told you once they’ve told you a thousand times – get a good chair to work in! The couch or recliner may seem like a tempting place to do work from, but you need a good chair that can offer you the support you need. Of course, you need a chair that’s comfortable, but you also need a chair that can help to keep your body in a healthy position and support your back as you work.
Schedule Setting
When you work from home it can be difficult to create a schedule and stick to it, but it’s necessary. You need to think about the hours you work at home the same way you’d think about the hours you would work from an office. Pick a time to start and to finish, and don’t forget to take a few breaks to get up and stretch and have a glass of water.
Eat Well
You have to stock your fridge with healthy snacks and meals if you work from home or you will be tempted to snack the day away – unhealthily! Treat the food in your home just as you would food in an office by packing a lunch for yourself to eat during your break or when the day is over. And keep that water bottle filled to sip from throughout the day when you get thirsty, too!