PTSD Is a Major Health Issue in America
By Rachel Shouse
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is said to affect more than 8 million Americans. This is catastrophic. Many people with PTSD struggle with the event that caused the trauma and/or the side effects for months and maybe years. There are a lot of aspects to PTSD. This disorder can affect men and women both mentally and physically. The physical aspect mainly happens because of the mental impact, but it's still a part of this extremely difficult disorder. The causes, symptoms, and treatments of PTSD are helpful to those who do and do not have experience this disorder.
Causes of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
There are many different things that can cause PTSD. Within the name is the answer. Someone who has PTSD has suffered from such a trauma that their brain was affected. Although the side effects are usually temporary, some who suffer can go through this for years.
There are a handful of different types of trauma. Physical, emotional, verbal, etc., are some of them. Physical abuse can easily cause PTSD. Think of an animal that's been hit repeatedly; it's going to cower when you raise your hand to it. When a child is manipulated into bad situations and they develop anxiety toward certain people and certain places, can cause real damage. Being violently yelled at by a spouse or parent can cause PTSD as well.
Symptoms of PTSD
This is the tricky part of PTSD. Different actions and behaviors can be signs of this disorder. Sudden onset of anxiety, depression, an aversion to loved ones, staying inside your comfort zone, etc., are all possible symptoms. While most of these described are mental, there are some symptoms that push it even further.
You may have already associated this disorder with soldiers, police officers, paramedics, and firefighters, among others. You're not far off at all. Imagine suffering from an event that warps your brain not only once, but repeatedly. Some who suffer from trauma can even experience episodes where they think they're back where they experienced the trauma. For a soldier, they could go into survival mode. They're back in the fight and they have no idea that it's not real.
Treatments for PTSD
There are a multitude of treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder. Not to say that it isn't a struggle. Going through treatment usually involves facing your fear in some way. There are other options for those who would suffer from a complete psychotic break if they were to recall everything that happened to them.
Most treatments for this disorder involve talking about what happened to them. Other possibilities involve things like desensitizing which is one type of psychotherapy. This would help someone experience some relief from certain triggers. Veterans often panic when a boom from a firework goes off or if a car were to backfire.
Regardless of the cause of trauma, facing this type of disorder alone is not going to help. If you or someone you love is going through this, encourage them to reach out.
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