Foods Rich in Omega-3s
By Paul Rothbart
If you are a health and nutrition-conscious person, you have probably heard of omega-3 fatty acids. They are a healthy fat and are important to many of the body's systems. There are three different omega-3s, alpha-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid. These nutrients reduce inflammation and promote heart health, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. They can also improve memory and slow cognitive decline as you age, helping to prevent Alzheimer's and dementia. Omega-3s are also excellent for eye health. They are one of the most important nutrients and it's important to eat foods that contain them.
Fatty fish contain plenty of omega-3s and mackerel is one of the best of these sources. There are 2.8 grams of omega-3s in a 100-gram serving. Eating it twice a week can supply your body with most of the omega-3s it needs. Mackerel also contains Vitamin B6, Vitamin D, potassium, and calcium, all essential nutrients.
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds have become popular in recent years. They are easy to eat and can be sprinkled on many foods or even into water. Each ounce of chia seeds contains five grams of omega-3s. They also contain fiber and in addition to the omega-3 benefits, they can help reduce insulin resistance and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Flaxseed Oil
Flaxseed oil can be used in place of olive oil in salad dressings or drizzled on grilled vegetables like asparagus. It is an excellent source of omega-3s with a single tablespoon containing 7 grams. High in fiber and magnesium, flaxseed oil also aids the digestive system and feeds bacteria in the guts.
Nuts in general are very healthy and walnuts rank high on that list. In addition to plenty of antioxidants, 100 grams of walnuts contain 9.1 grams of omega-3s. All walnuts contain these nutrients, but English walnuts have more than black walnuts. The most nutritious part of the nut is the skin. Despite the bitter taste, it is a good idea to eat the skin with the nut.
Like mackerel, salmon is a fatty fish. It's a very popular fish that can be cooked and eaten in a variety of ways or even raw in sushi. One-hundred grams has between 1.2 and 2.5 grams of omega-3s. There have been many studies that show salmon lowers the risk of a number of chronic diseases. It's an excellent source of lean protein and contains Vitamins B6 and B12 as well as potassium.
Good nutrients are essential to good health. Some of the most important are the omega-3 fatty acids. Make sure to add some of these foods to your diet to make sure you get enough of this nutrient.
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