Good Relationships With Doctors Are Important
By Donna Stark
Who do you trust with your deepest, darkest secrets? With the way you feel and the things that are going on in your body? With all the stuff you did in the past that may not have been very good for the health you have now? Do you even bring it up to anyone? Most people will usually have a friend, family member, or spouse to share these things with, and maybe you do as well, but the person that should really be in the know, is the one who has the power to help: your doctor.
Improving Your Relationship With Your Doctor
Having a positive relationship with your doctor, or doctors, can increase the potential for better health outcomes throughout your life. Now, don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean you need to call them every day just to say hello, but it does mean that you should be open and honest about everything going on with your health and all of the concerns you may have. Here are some suggestions on how to improve those relationships you have.
- Be prepared - Being prepared is more than just making it to your appointment on time. Make sure your doctor has a list of all your current medications (including over-the-counter) and write down any recent health problems or questions before your visit, so you can be sure to remember everything.
- Share both complaints and concerns - Of course you will be sharing the main complaint, or reason that brought you in, but be sure to also share your concerns about the issue as well. For example, if you are experiencing intense pain in your hip, but are scared about the possibility of surgery, let your doctor know! If you don't share your concerns, your doctor can't respond to them and you may end up leaving the office not wanting to come back.
- Keep them informed - Sometimes, the universe works against us and for whatever reason, we just can't get in to see our regular doctor. It happens to all of us, but when it does, it is important to make sure your main doctor is in the loop about any other medical care you've received, whether you went to see a specialist, a physician at an urgent care, or your local hospital's emergency room.
Improved Health With an Improved Relationship
Nurturing and fostering a good relationship with your doctor is a great step in the right direction when it comes to your overall health and wellness! So follow the suggestions above and watch how quickly your health may improve.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Prosper, Tex.