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Taking a Break for Your Overall Health

By Donna Stark

Our bodies can handle a lot, but there's only so much stress we can take before it starts to impact our overall health and wellness. Chronic stress from our careers, relationships, health, or finances, does one thing and it does that one thing well. It wears down our body's natural defenses. It leaves us feeling tired and moody, exposes us to illness and disease, affects our productivity and mental skills, and increases the risk of depression and anxiety. If you have been dealing with higher levels of stress than what you are used to, and are starting to see the impact it has on your body, it may be time for a break. But how can you get away to catch that break when everything is still shut down? Here are some suggestions.  

Enjoying Good Food and Time Alone

Taking a step back to breathe doesn't require days or weeks to do so. A few hours each week will do the trick too. Cook yourself a fabulous meal, grab that glass of wine and cozy blanket, and settle into the couch for a night of your favorite shows or movies. Or head out to your favorite restaurant, pick up their special for the day, and find your favorite spot in town to enjoy a quiet picnic. Sometimes all you need is good food, good entertainment, and time alone to reset.

Connecting With Mother Nature

Nothing reduces stress the way Mother Nature does, so grab your earbuds and head outside. It's time to reconnect with her. Spend a day walking along the beach, hiking in the cool mountain air, or gardening in your backyard. In addition to the stress-reducing benefits you will get from spending time outdoors, you will also be physically active, and exercise is another great way to reduce the amount of stress in your life!

Heading Into Town

You may not have the option to take the trip you were hoping for, but you can still act like a tourist. Just do it in your own hometown or local city! Stroll through streets you aren't familiar with, try new coffee shops, and sign up for outdoor activities. Plan wisely before you head out though because some of the restaurants, stores, and entertainment venues could be closed or following social distancing guidelines. It's also a good idea to plan for a digital detox during this time as well. 

Staycations for Reduced Stress

Just remember that no matter how tempted you may be to use this extra time for household chores or work, try to resist. This time is all about you and you're taking this break to reduce your stress, not bring it with you.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Prosper, Tex.

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