Fight the Flu With Tips From the Experts
By Virginia Laird
For those who have ever experienced the flu, you know how brutal it can be. Although there is no sure way to avoid falling ill, there are a few things you can implement in your life to help slow the spread of germs. Some of these include:
- Teach proper hand washing habits
- Choose a healthy diet
- Clean the surfaces of your home and office
Teach Proper Hand Washing Habits
Teaching your family to wash their hands often is another way to help prevent the spread of germs. As you cough, touch other surfaces, and go about daily activities, your hands are constantly in contact with germs. This makes it imperative that you wash your hands often. It is said that if you wash your hands fewer than seven times each day you are not washing enough. Make sure to use soap and water on your hands after coming into contact with others, visiting the restroom, before preparing food, and many other times throughout the day. Proper hand washing is the first line of defense against illness, especially the flu.
Choose a Healthy Diet
Choosing to follow a healthy diet can be beneficial to the immune system. When you choose a well-balanced diet, the body is able to absorb vitamins and nutrients essential to promoting good overall wellness. A healthy diet is described as a diet full of plenty of fruits and veggies accompanied by lean proteins. Most who follow a strict healthy diet also eliminate as much sugar, bread, and other starches as possible. As you prepare yourself to take on flu season, make sure you are consuming a well-balanced diet daily.
Clean the Surfaces of Your Home and Office
As the time for the flu germs creeps closer, it can be increasingly vital that you keep your home and office clean. Wiping away germs on a routine basis can be helpful in preventing your family from falling ill with a variety of illnesses. According to research, the surfaces of the home and office are the places where most germs collect, making these the key areas to keep clean. Simply wiping them with a sanitizing wipe a couple of times each day can help decrease your chances of sick germs taking over your home.
Start right now doing all you can to keep your family well throughout flu season.
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