How to Aid Your Body in Cleaning Out Toxins
All sorts of things make our body full of toxins. The environment, pollution, even the food we eat puts things in our bodies that aren't’ supposed to be there. When that happens, it is the job of our liver and kidneys to flush out these bad toxins and make our bodies clean again. That’s a big job! Because of how important it is to keep our bodies clean and healthy, it’s a good idea to give help to the liver and kidneys whenever possible. Check out these ways to give your body’s toxin eliminating powers a boost to keep you as healthy as possible.
Eat Appropriately
A great way to improve your toxin cleaning abilities is to eat food that helps clean them out.For example, leafy greens and fiber filled foods help to clean out digestion. The gut is where most toxins stay. If there for too long, these toxins spread to the rest of the body and make you feel ill. Eating high fiber foods and drinking plenty of water help both the liver and the kidneys get a jumpstart on flushing these sorts of toxins from the gut and out of the body.
Take Vitamin C
This vitamin is known for boosting the immune system. Any idea where the immune system is located? Most of it lies in, you guessed it, the gut! By taking vitamin C, you are boosting your body’s ability to fight off foreign bodies like toxins. You can get more vitamin C by taking a supplement or eating Vitamin C foods like leafy greens, tomatoes, or citrus fruit.
Sweat It Out
Another way that you can get rid of toxins is by sweating them out. If you don’t exercise, it would be a really good idea to start. Sweating allows you to get the toxins out through the pores. Exercise also stimulates digestion, so by working out, you will be giving your body a serious boost in eliminating toxins and keeping you healthy.
When you don’t take the time to exfoliate on a regular basis, dead skin cells pile up and block the pores. This means that even when you do sweat, toxins might not be able to escape. YOu don’t have to do this one every single day, but exfoliating on a regular basis can keep the skin clean and the pores open so that more toxins can seep out.
When you don’t get toxins out of the body, it can make you feel sick. The liver and kidneys have a really big job! To give them a bit of a helping hand and keep your body as clean and healthy as possible, use these tips regularly.
Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Stephen Bowler